Surf Gran Canaria – The South Coast

The south of the island is sheltered from both the swells and the winds from the North Atlantic. But the swells from the South Atlantic do hit every few weeks, which combined with the offshore or glassy conditions, produce some of the best rides on the island.

Playa del Inglés

Level: beginner - advanced Tide: low - high Crowd: high Board type: longboard, shortboard Forecast:

This very long beach holds many small beach breaks, usually better during summer months. When it works, which is not often, it´s usually crowded with beginners and swimmers.

El Faro de Maspalomas

Level: beginner - advanced Tide: low - high Crowd: high Board type: longboard, shortboard Forecast:

Same as Playa de Inlglés, surf here is better during summer months and consists of small beachbreaks. When a big swells hits though, the small beach breaks can become a very nice, mellow right hander. Often crowded with schools and swimmers.


Level: intermediate - advanced Tide: low - mid Crowd: mid – high Board type: longboard, shortboard


The cradle of surf in Gran Canaria. This was the first surfing spot in the island, adopted by a hippie community that made Arguineguin its home back in the 1960's.

Depending on the direction of the swell, two waves can form. And they are both superb when it's firing. If the swell is SW, a faster right hander forms on the west end of the beach. If the swell is SE, a mellower left hander forms to the east, towards the cement factory. It`s a very popular spot for longboarders and shortboarders alike.

Surfable during mid to low tide.

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